Kami membuat channel ini bertujuan untuk menginformasikan kepada wisatawan lokal dan wisatawan asing, ternyata jakarta mempunyai banyak tempat bersejarah yg tidak kalah seru dari tempat lainnya sehingga bisa menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata kalian..karna selain asik, seru, banyak informasi dan pengalaman baru yg bs didapat, pastinya ga bikin uang di dompet abis..hehhee..
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Museum Harry Darsono in Jakarta
About The Museums In Jakarta Channel 😉
Hi guys ..😊🙌
Welcome to the Channel “the museums in Jakarta”.
We made the Channel it aims to inform the tourists local and foreign tourists, it turns out jakarta has a lot of the historic that no less exciting from other place that can become one tourist destinations you. Because in addition to cool, fun, banyak information and new experience that bs obtained, certainly not make the money in the wallet empty. hehhee..😁
This blog we packed in light and fun,so we hope you can enjoy this blog.😉
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Museum Seni Rupa dan Keramik in Jakarta
Museum Layang Layang in Jakarta
You guys ever play the kite when a little is definitely know with this game and feeling the game on this one, but do you guys know this game got a museum of his? And do you know if the museum layang layang di jakarta this is a museum layang layang indonesia's first? Let us review about this museum..👌
This Museum is derived from a mother named mrs. Endang Ernawati who fell in love over the kite the first time he buy in america of the 1970s, from there to mrs. Endang started collecting many kites.
So the kite as the traditional game is not lost from the culture of indonesia, then he bought a plot of land near his home to be used as a museum of kites, then on the date of March 21, 2003 stand Museum Layang Layang Indonesia, which is located in the area of the Pondok Labu, South Jakarta.
Of course this Idea is evocative of the pelayang Indonesia to provide donations in the form of a kite, up to now the number of collection of kites that are in the Museum, numbering in the hundreds that consists of a traditional kite, creation, sports and kites that come from lnternational.😊
Museum Layang Layang Indonesia is built with the concept of Java and has several buildings. One of the open hall that is usually used for activities, kite making, batik painting, for party, wedding etc. 😆
Next to the hall can be found the room for the activity of making ceramic made from clay, and can be also found 2 units of a large oven that is the kitchen to burn the ceramic. Activity there is in this museum everything is cool and must try..😍😀
Oh ya..the Museum also received the order to make the kite great tablets, but which is usually used for festivals or for private collections, usually the kites are ordered in the form of a kite without a frame, so the big kite, it can be folded, made of similar material the parachute is soft (ripstop).And that made me amazed again turns the kite museum this create sold to foreign countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, UK, German etc. To be honest I am Proud to be indonesian people 😊 and are grateful there are people like mrs. Endang who love to kite and want to preserve it.😍
Oh ya..almost forget, the
museum is never some times can an award from Muri for the events ever made by the museum.😊
are you guys already curious not that there is a kite museum?If you're curious, want to try to make all there is in the activity of this museum, or simply just want to reminisce the childhood will this game..come on.. you guys just come to this museum for sure.
already used to my writing about Museum Layang Layang for this time and thank you for reading this article. Hopefully, my article can be useful.🙏
# if you have questions, request, advice / criticism, you can immediately wrote in the comments. We must be answered as soon as possible(Asap) 😉
# for information businesses and cooperation cancontact travellingmuseuminjakarta @ gmail.com
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Museum Di Tengah Kebun in Jakarta
Many people who do not know the museum is located in the elite kemang in Jakarta. In fact there are the museum cool and unique, the name of MUSEUM DITENGAH KEBUN.
Why the museum is known by the name of MUSEUM DITENGAH KEBUN(the museum in the middle of the garden)? Because the of this museum’s of 4500 square meters with widely her garden 3500 square meters.
So you enter this museum’s you will greeted with the aisle along 60 meters in known as the hallway time will surely you like if see it.😍
Once you in the museum you immediately can see the goods relics like an Singa of Dynasty Qing, Yoni, Pot flowers antique from Japan, the Statue of Pahat of Asmat, Tempayan water from China, the mask Java until the fossil the tree trunk and the shells of the Triassic ( 248 million years before AD, older than Jurassic ). Cool!😱😍
The owner of the museum is called the Sjahrial. Mr. Sjahrial design own house is with the help of a young architect named Mr. Temi in 1976. Development finished in 1980. There was 17 room in the Museum of this and named According to the goods heritage are there. The Mr. Sjahrial just be registered to the notary as Museum in 2009.
It was not only the contents of in the house to be a collection of the museum, but a building material museum is Antique collection too. The walls, the floor, the roof, the doors and windows have the story of each. His bricks taken from the former building VOC was 400 years. The door numbered in the 20 and a half of the prison door women in Bukit Duri.
Here every room has its own story. Want to hear the story is incomplete? Let’s immediately wrote came to the museum, but you must be the reservation first yes before ..hehehe 😁 ... oh ya .. if you want to come to the museum’s do not forget to bring a friend, the brothers etc, because if you visited this museum’s of at least 7 to 10 people.
how is my story?whether it makes you curious or interested in this museum?😁
already used to my writing about MUSEUM DITENGAH KEBUN for this time and thank you for reading this article. Hopefully, my article can be useful.🙏.🙏
# if you have questions, request, advice / criticism, you can immediately wrote in the comments. We must be answered as soon as possible(Asap) 😉
# for information businesses and cooperation can contact: travellingmuseuminjakarta @ gmail.com
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Museum Tekstil in Jakarta
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Museum Alkitab di Jakarta
Hai guy..setelah sempat mengulas sedikit mengenai Museum Alquran..kini giliran saya mengulas tentang Museum Alkitab di Jakarta.😊
Museum benda benda Alkitab ini berdiri dari Januari 2009 dan dikenal dengan nama lainnya Museum Benda-Benda Alkitab Yerushalayim.
Saya penasaran untuk datang kemuseum ini karena konon katanya dimuseum ini terdapat benda-benda dan tanaman yang tertulis di Alkitab.😁
Dihalaman Museum ini kita bisa melihat semua tanaman real yang ada di sejarah Alkitab antara lain pohon mahkota duri, pohon Yudas dll. Selain tanaman dihalaman museum juga terdapat replika-replika benda di Alkitab seperti sumur Yakub, alat penampi dll. Tempat yang saya suka di halaman museum ini adalah replika Rumah Yahudi Kuno, tempat ini jadi tempat favorit saya dan pengunjung lain buat berselfie ria 😂.
Begitu saya masuk kedalam museum ini, saya langsung disambut oleh etalase kaca yang berisi jenis-jenis Perkamen. Mata saya mulai tidak fokus karena tidak ada celah didinding yang dibiarkan kosong, semua barang-barang di museum ini semuanya menarik untuk saya liat, terutama miniatur rombongan unta dan 2 loh batu.
Kalian dijamin ga akan bingung saat kalian datang mengunjungi Museum ini. Walaupun tanpa guide tur sekalipun(hehehe..😁) karena di sini semua bendanya dilengkapi oleh INFO TAG yang di tempatkan di depan benda-bendanya. Jadi kalau kalian bingung baca langsung INFO TAGnya aja wkwkwkw..😂.
Sebelum saya pulang dari Museum ini, ga afdol kalau saya tidak beli buah tangan. Maka saya langsung menuju ke Toko Souvenir yang ada di Museum ini.
Souvenir disini termasuk unik dan lucu mulai dari aneka kaos bertulis bahasa ibrani, minuman ala yahudi, sofar dll
Penasaran dan mau tahu lebih banyak lagi soal museum ini? Silahkan..langsung aja datang ke museum ini yang terletak di kawasan Kelapa Gading,Jakarta Utara.
Kalian bisa datang sendiri, bersama keluarga ataupun bersama rombongan gereja kalian.😊
Sekian dulu sedikit ulasan dari saya mengenai jalan jalan saya mengunjungi museum ini. Semoga artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat.
#jika ada pertanyaan,permintaan, saran/kritik, kalian bisa langsung menuliskan dikolom komentar. Kami pasti akan menjawab secepatnya 😉
# untuk informasi bisnis dan kerjasama dapat menghubungi travellingmuseuminjakarta@gmail.com
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Terima kasih 🙋
Museum Alquran di Jakarta
Hai guys..jumpa lagi dengan saya..
Sekarang aku aku akan sedikit mengulas tentang museum alquran yang ada di jakarta.😊
Negara Indonesia merupakan negara yang masyarakatnya bermayoritas beragama Islam, akan tetapi tidak banyak yang tahu kalau dijakarta terdapat museum Alquran yang terkenal dengan Alquran yg terbesar dan terkecilnya.
Yuk kita mulai ulasan dari sedikit perjalanan saya ke museum ini..😊
Museum Alquran ini dikenal dengan nama Museum Bayt Alquran yang terletak di TMII. Museum ini diresmikan tanggal 20 April 1997 oleh Bapak Presiden Soeharto.
Museum ini memajang aneka mushaf dari dalam dan luar negeri termasuk Mushaf Alquran wobosono yang diyakini terbesar dan Mushaf Istanbul yang terkecil di Indonesia. Kerenkan??😁
Oh ya..Mushaf Wobosono yang memiliki ukuran 2x3 meter ini ditulis tangan oleh dua orang santri dari Pondok Pesantren Asy'ariyah Wonosobo selama 17 bulan.😱
Sedangkan Mushaf Istambul didapatkan dari hibah negara Istanbul,Turki.
Disini ada tiga Mushaf Istanbul yang dipajang loh, ketiga Mushaf tersebut di tulis oleh Sayid Muhammad Abdul Latif dari Arab Saudi dengan ukuran mini yang berbeda-beda dan yang paling terkecil berukuran 1x1,5 cm jika di tutup.
Dimuseum ini ada yang membuat saya kagum dengan salah satu Mushafnya, yaitu Mushaf Istiqlal karena sangat unik dengan ragam hias yang diambil dari 27 Propinsi di Indonesia. mushaf ini ditulis selama 4 tahun yang dikerjakan oleh Pemerintah dan menjadi Masterpiace. Mushaf Istiqlal ini masuk ke Museum Alquran tahun 1997.
Di museum ini banyak banget koleksi lainnya yang keren banget yang wajib harus kamu liat sendiri, biar tidak penasaran..hehehe..😁
Fasilitas dimuseum ini terbilang cukup lengkap, dari ruangan audio visual, ruang seminar sampai tempat jual makanan jadi kita ga perlu kuatir kali bakalan kehausan atau kelaparan saat berkunjung ke museum ini.😀
Gimana udah cukup penasaran belum? Kalau mau tahu lebih lanjut ato sekedar untuk liburan bersama keluarga atau mau menambah ilmu pengetahuan keagamaan kita..yuk langsung aja datang ke Museum Alquran, yang buka setiap hari loh..😉
Sekian dulu sedikit ulasan dari saya mengenai jalan jalan saya mengunjungi museum ini. Semoga artikel yang saya tulis ini bermanfaat.
#jika ada pertanyaan,permintaan, saran/kritik, kalian bisa langsung menuliskan dikolom komentar. Kami pasti akan menjawab secepatnya 😉
# untuk informasi bisnis dan kerjasama dapat menghubungi travellingmuseuminjakarta@gmail.com
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